Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Couple things I wanna address now

This isn't the first post in where I've done something slightly different and it certainly won't be the last, but it still relates to Dissidia in some way.

First thing I wanna address, Final Fantasy V is not a crappy game and ExDeath is not a crappy villain. The earlier releases of the game had been released we were suppose to treat the story seriously, though I'm sure most of us didn't because of how cliche the story was and the bland characters. I'll admit ExDeath is probably the worst written villain of the entire Final Fantasy series and sure enough the story of FFV is easily the most cliched. I guess it's fair to say that the story is something that is disappointing when compared to IV and VI's engaging stories. Though one thing I'd like to say about Final Fantasy stories is that all them tend to be somewhat convoluted but entirely enjoyable and engaging. Anyway, I wanna stress that with any game that I play I always look at gameplay first, graphics and sound are priority 2, and if the game does have a plot to speak of then I will take it into consideration. I think most people should follow this standard because it's quite appalling to see people bitch and moan about a game solely because of it's shit graphics or lame story, they're called games for a reason. A good story is something to expect from a book or a movie, NOT A FUCKING VIDEOGAME, I can't even the believe the standards of some the so-called "gamers" have these days. Ok ok, moving on to the next thing.

I want to address other Final Fantasy games in particular and where they succeed and where they don't, this includes Dissidia 012.

  • Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, what can you say about it?
-The gameplay is good, but if they wanted to make the gameplay the way that it was I'd suggest they should have used a more Kingdom Hearts style of gameplay.
-The gameplay and sound are excellent, as we've come to expect from Square.
-The story is also good, but there are some nitpicks that I have with it. With the original FFVII and Advent Children, Aerith and Zack were implied to be in love with eachother. In Crisis Core they seem played off as if they're just high-schoolers flirting with eachother and didn't look like to much loving was happening (and no I don't mean the dirty kind of love). Another thing I have problem with is Genesis. I know in an earlier post I said that he should be in the next Dissidia game if they ever made one, but the problem I have with Genesis is that he's the final boss but more often then not I feel that he shouldn't be. He's suppose to be a poetic character/villain , but that's something not too well pulled off here. Square needs to learn a thing or 2 from Xenosaga. Okay okay, I guess all I need to say is that the story is good but it's overall execution is on the opposite end of the spectrum.

  • Dissidia Duodecim [012] Final Fantasy:
-Boy that is a long and kind of ridiculous title
-Well, everything that made the original Dissidia great is in this game
-The gameplay is the same with the most noticeable change is the addition of an assist system in combat, and let's face it, it's fun, addictive, I play almost all the damn time.
-The graphics and sound are overall excellent, many fans prefer the original versions of all the songs in the game, but the remixes are I any problems with. I stress this because it tends to be one of the biggest gripes the fans make. To be fair, I would like the option of having the original versions and the remixes, it would definitely make the game feel more nostalgic if this option was available.
-Story....where should I start? I like the story in all honesty, but what don't like is Square's horrible execution of it. What I especially was disappointed by was the fact the warriors of Chaos didn't have their own story mode, I mean this game's would be like 30% more engaging if we could play the villains side of the story, the closest we get is a few reports. Oh well, maybe if Square makes another Dissidia, they would have learned their lesson and make something far grander than anything before.....I'll be optimistic but cautious. I guess I should explain what I do like about the story as well. First off, this game does connect all the the other Final Fantasy world's and story's together in some way (ex: When Yuna encounters Tidus in the 12th Cycle, she recalls her pilgrimage with him, but Tidus is unfortunately unable to remember). Ok, I think this has gone on long enough.

  • Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
-How many Final Fantasy games can Square turn into entire series unto themselves? Iono
-The gameplay is great, if you played FFIV then you know what it's like, the only big innovation here is the Banding ability.
-The Graphics and sound (by the way I'm going by the version of this game that's on the Complete Collection for the PSP) are excellent, it's largely music from the original FFIV (though I have no problem with that) with one or two scores that are new.
-The story is good, but yet it again it suffers the same problem in the area of execution that Square has had for many games that expand on their main games.
-Do I have any gripes with the game? Sort of. It is a great throwback to FFIV but the most interesting part is the boss rush in which the final chapter has...really I think this game could easily have been just that final chapter because there alot of recycled enemies and some of the characters bonus dungeons are unbelievably long-winded and sometimes frustrating.
-Final Verdict, it's an overall good game with minor flaws that I'm sure many fans can overlook (myself included).

Now I know what you're all thinking, "Why the hell are you taking stories into account when you just said that  story be damned when it comes to video games?" I'll be fair, yes story is a lower priority for me. Allow me to say I'm willing to forgive MEDIOCRE gameplay if it has excellent graphics, sound, and story all rolled into one. Now to be honest I've never played too many games in where I had to say "Well the gameplay is nothing fantastic but everything else in incredible." But fun gameplay can rectify crappy plots and subpar graphics and sound. Story truly be damned for me. If this wasn't the case then I'd be bitching about Metroid: Other M just like all the other dumb bastards out there (sorry I know what I said at the beginning of the post but I didn't have a better example.). Anyway, I don't have else to say, maybe one day I'll come back and add something to this post but for now that's all. Good night.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

OMG, this is awesome

This is EPIC:
Credit goes to LynxGriffin on deviantart.
Words cannot describe how awesome it would be if they could somehow work Dissidia ponies into the actual show. Yes, I like MLP:FiM, but I'm not a brony and I'm not the kinda of person who's gonna bother with MLP merchandise and shit. There should a pic like this for MvC3, but I have had no luck in finding one and I can't draw for shit. good night

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Chaos/Feral Chaos

DissidiaChaos.pngFeral Chaos.png
Story: Chaos was child created by Cid of the Lufaine using a crystalline substance and placing the memories of 10 people (no confirmation of whom) and the child grew up to be the monster that he is in Dissidia. Chaos and Cosmos once in World B were locked in an eternal divine conflict staged by Shinryu.
DesperadoChaosAltRender.pngDissidia Chaos.pngDissidia 012 Chaos.png
-Calm (Regular)
-Uncontrollable (Feral)
Chaos dissidia.jpg
-Skilled hand-to-hand combatant
-Elemental powers (mainly utilizes fire and earth-based powers)
-Divine power
-Invoking power into other beings
-Maintaining World B (along with Cosmos)
-Size changing and strength in proportion to said size
-Dark power
-Skilled Swordsman
-Powerful claws and fangs
-Unnamed sword that all over his dimension


Story: Long ago in Lufenia, Cid of the Lufaine had created a new being from a crystal-like substance that came from the void. Both Cid and his wife (who Cosmos is said to strongly resemble) had adopted the ugly child as their son. The son would grow up to be Chaos. Somewhere down the line Cid's wife had died and Cid had created a replica, using the same crystalline substance that that Chaos is made of, who would known as Cosmos. Though somewhere even further down the line Cosmos and Chaos are in an area of the Void known as World B in where both she and Chaos are locked into eternal conflict with Shinryu and a transcended Cid of the Lufaine as watchers of the battles.
Dissidia Cosmos.png
-Caring of others
Dissidia 012 Cosmos.png
-Invoking power into other beings
-Power of Light
-Keeping World B alive (In combination with Chaos)
-Summoning warriors from other worlds
-Some power over the void 
-Divine Power 
-Power of the 4 elements (Most likely)
Cosmos dissidia.jpg

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Claire Farron aka "Lightning"

Lightning (Dissidia 012).png
Story: Something about the I'Cie and Fal'Cie, her sister.....I don't even know.
Lightning altaya Costume.png
-Caring on the inside
Lightning - 012 CG.png
-Superhuman Strength
-Skilled in the use of a sword
-Skilled in the use of a gun
-Powers of Odin
-Skilled in the use of magic
-Gunblade (unlike the kind of awesome but kind of stupid Gunblade that Squall has, Lightning's gunblade is a sword that can turn into a gun. That's far more practical.)
-Odin's Zantetsuken


Story: No clue, someone else fill me in on it.
DFF Gabranth Alts.png
-Despises conflict
Gabranth - 012 CG.png
-Skilled Swordsman
-Skilled in the use of magic
-Superhuman Strength
Dissidia JudgeGabranth EX.pngGabranth-AltEXMode.png
-Chaos Blade
-Highway Star


Vaan (Dissidia 012).png
Story: Yet another story I have no idea about.
-Dreams of being a Sky Pirate
Vaan - 012 CG.png
-Superhumanly Strength
-Skilled in a wide variety of weapons (though he is best with a sword)
-Skilled in the use of magic
-Skilled in thievery 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Story: Don't know, if someone would like to tell, then please do so.
-Speaks in verse
-enjoys destruction
Shantotto - 012 CG.png
-Powerful Sorcerer (She is born into the Tarutaru race, a race known to be the best at magic when compared to all other species, but Shantotto however is considered the most powerful and skilled sorcerer even among them)
-Uses staff as a bludgeon and boomerang
Dissidia Shantotto ex.pngShantottoEX Alt.pngShantotto-ThirdEXMode.pngShantotto Dissidia 012 EX DLC1.PNG
-Staff (acts as a medium for magic and a bludgeon)


Story: I have no fucking clue. Does FFXI even have a story to speak of?
-Somewhat Naive

-Skilled hand-to-hand combatant
-Use of white magic
-Combining white magic with monk skills
-Superhumanly Strength
-Retarded aging
Prishe-EXMode.pngPrishe alt ex.pngPrishe-ThirdEXMode.png