Friday, January 6, 2012


Dissidia Jecht.png
Story: Sir Jecht, along with Auron and High Summoner Braska, had once taken the same pilgrimage as Yuna and her friends. Braska had chosen Jecht to be his Final Aeon to defeat Sin, though as we learn from the game when Sin is destroyed Yu Yevon inhabits the Final Aeon that defeated Sin so as to create a new Sin. So on and so forth.
-Tries to make a man out of Tidus
-Enjoys sparring
Jecht CG.png
-Superhuman Strength (He uses boulders like they were soccer balls, but then again what do you expect
-Jecht Beam (Short energy ball that he shoots from his eyes
-Jecht Block (A temporary energy shield that can block virtually any attack)
-Empowers his limbs and weapon with fire (at least it looks like it)
-Masterful hand-to-hand combative abilities
-Skilled swordsman
-Final Aeon Form
          -Enhances all his powers 
-Powers of Sin
          -Use of Yu Pagoda to cast magic for him
          -Enhances all powers
Dissidia Jecht ex.pngJechtEX3.png
-The Jecht Sword (I don't what it's called)

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