Monday, August 22, 2011

Sephiroth (ULTRA OVERRATED VILLAIN, lolz JK, but in all seriousness though he is)

Sephiroth Dissidia Artwork.png
Story: A creation of professor Hojo by implanting the cells of Jenova into the seed of which he has impregnated. He was the ultimate SOLDIER but in the end, when he discovered the truth about his mother and who he really was, he went insane and decided to try to rule/destroy the Planet.
Sephiroth alts.png
-Oedipus Complex (he hates his father and REALLY loves his mother)
-enjoys torturing Cloud

-Superhuman Strength
-Incredible Speed
-Masterful Swordsman
-Use of Mako empowerment on weapons and for different effects
-Ability to use magic without Materia
-Psychic Powers (shown mind controlling people)
-Black Materia
-One Winged Angel form: Heartless Angel, Supernova (Ultimate Attack)
Dissidia Sephiroth ex.pngSephirothEX Alt.pngSephirothThirdEXMode.png
-Masamune (Originally a Nodachi, though through the power of Fanboys/girls, it's a 7-8 foot sword)
-The Black Materia

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