Friday, September 9, 2011


Dissidia Ultimecia.png
-Speaks Mortal Kombatese
-Power Hungry
-Desires the universe to recreated to her liking
Dissidia Ultimecia ex.pngUltimecia Junction Griever Alternate.pngUltimeciaThirdEXMode.png
-Superhumanly Strength (Every Final Fantasy villain has it, so why not Ultimecia)
-Capable of using magic w/o needing a GF junctioned to herself or drawing magic
-Unique/Blue/Fiend Magic (Knight's Axe, Lance, Swords, and Arrows) (Hell's Judgement, Apocalypse, Shockwave Pulsar, Great Attractor)
-Time and Space magic (can slow down, speed up, and stop time. Can also time travel to a limited extent)(can distort reality of an object (living or not) simply by bitch-slapping it) (can make anything in her or anyone else's imagination become real)
-Psychic Powers (has demonstrated mind control, telepathy, and telekinesis)
-Body Possession
-Griever Junctioning (her full power) (Enhances all of her powers exponentially)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Squall Leonhart

Squall Leonhart/Dissidia
-EMO!!!!!!!! (predictable I know)
-Caring of his friends
Dissidia Squall Leonhart ex.pngDissidia-SeeDSquall.pngSquall-ThirdEXMode.png
-Superhuman Strength
-Masterful Swordsman (The Gunblade is one of the most archaic and complicated weapon in the history of Final Fantasy)
-Low level magic (fire, blizzard, thunder)
-Revolver (Squall's default gunblade)
-Junctioned GFs (likely Ifrit, Shiva, and Quezlcoatl)
-Drawn Magic (Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder)

Laguna Loire

Laguna Loire
Story: Read an article or play the game, cuz it's REALLY not my problem.
Laguna's alternate outfits.
-A bit of an airhead
-Skilled in the use of several different firearms (prefers his machine gun) (can also make effective use of a laser cannon, bazooka, rocket launcher, shotgun, sniper rifle, grenades, electo shield, and sticky bombs)
-Uses his machine gun as a bludgeon (A blunt weapon for anyone who doesn't know what bludgeon means)
-Machine Gun
-Rocket Launcher
-Shot gun
-Sniper Rifle
-Ragnorok Cannon
-Electro Shields
-Sticky Bombs
-A satellite laser (THE FUCK YOU UP CANNON for the hardcore, lolz jk)
-Drawn Aura Spells (the only explanation for his EX mode)
-A junctioned summon (otherwise he would not be able to have his Aura spells, or at the very least use them)

Tifa Lockhart

Tifa Lockhart
Story: I'm getting sick of having to write this part out, so I'll just leave a link for you to find the story. I warn you, it's not 100% reliable.
-Strong and Independent
-Considerably Emotional
-Masterful Hand-to-hand combatant
-Mako Empowerment
-Superhumanly Strength
-Enhanced speed
-Enhanced Flexibility
-Enhanced Reflexes
-Brawling Gloves
-Materia (Ice, Fire, Lightning)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sephiroth (ULTRA OVERRATED VILLAIN, lolz JK, but in all seriousness though he is)

Sephiroth Dissidia Artwork.png
Story: A creation of professor Hojo by implanting the cells of Jenova into the seed of which he has impregnated. He was the ultimate SOLDIER but in the end, when he discovered the truth about his mother and who he really was, he went insane and decided to try to rule/destroy the Planet.
Sephiroth alts.png
-Oedipus Complex (he hates his father and REALLY loves his mother)
-enjoys torturing Cloud

-Superhuman Strength
-Incredible Speed
-Masterful Swordsman
-Use of Mako empowerment on weapons and for different effects
-Ability to use magic without Materia
-Psychic Powers (shown mind controlling people)
-Black Materia
-One Winged Angel form: Heartless Angel, Supernova (Ultimate Attack)
Dissidia Sephiroth ex.pngSephirothEX Alt.pngSephirothThirdEXMode.png
-Masamune (Originally a Nodachi, though through the power of Fanboys/girls, it's a 7-8 foot sword)
-The Black Materia

Cloud Strife

Cloud Dissidia Artwork.png
Story: An arrogant and proud swordsman at first, Cloud believes himself to be a member of an elite warrior unit called SOLDIER. However, he discovers the memories of who he was were not his own and, with the help of his friends, learns there is more to being a hero than possessing physical strength and fame. (Want more story? Play the games he's in or go look it up on the Final Fantasy Wiki)

-Hatred towards Sephiroth
-Calm and almost always in thought
-Superhuman Strength (enough to carry and even use the Buster Sword without any real trouble)
-Skilled Swordsman
-Use of Mako to empower weapon and for different effects (Braver, Meteorain, Cross-Slash, Finishing Touch, Omnislash Version 5, Omnislash, and many more)
-Skilled in the use of a shotgun and grenades (having formerly being a Shinra Infantry man)
-Gravity-defying hair (LOLZ)
Dissidia Cloud ex.pngCloud-ThirdEXMode.png
-Buster Sword

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kefka Palazzo

Story: Many details of Kefka's early life are unknown. He is thirty-five years old by the time of the game, and Emperor Gestahl's right-hand man. Kefka is the first experimental Magitek Knight. The procedure gifted Kefka with incredible magical power, but also shattered his sanity as a side effect of the process not being perfected yet. Kefka became a cruel, destructive madman and eventually acquired a reputation as one of the most dangerous men in the Gestahlian Empire. The exact circumstances are unknown, but sometime prior to the game, Kefka used a Slave Crown to control Terra Branford and, as a test of whether the free-will dampening effects of the slave crown were effective, had her burn fifty Imperial soldiers alive. (for more story, play the game or go to the Final Fantasy Wiki)
DissidiaKefka alts.png
-Loves Destruction

-Skilled in the use of Magitek equipment
-Powerful Sorcery (As a result of utilizing magitek to absorb the power of Espers and the Warring Triads for himself) (Able to use Ultima as well as having magic unique to himself, such as Forsaken, Light of Judgement, and Hyperdrive and many more)
-Bladed wings
-Limited hand-to-hand combat (mainly the use of magically enhanced kicks)
Dissidia Kefka Pallazzo ex.pngKefkaAltEXModeRender.PNGKefkaThirdEXMode.png
-Magitek Equipment (probably)

Terra Branford

Dissidia Terra.png
Story: Terra was born in the Land of Espers, to an Esper father (Maduin) and a human mother (Madeline). Two years after she was born, the Gestahlian Empire raided the Land of Espers and abducted Maduin. Madeline, with her last breath, told the Emperor Gestahl to keep away from her daughter; however, it was too late. Terra grew up in the custody of the Empire, and was raised as a weapon of mass destruction. The exact details of this part of her life are unknown, but she developed a fondness for Moogles during this time, and enjoyed fluffing their fur. Eventually, the Imperial general Kefka Palazzo took a keen interest in her and put a Slave Crown on her head, forcing her to obey his orders directly. Among them was to annihilate fifty of the Empire's finest soldiers, which she did with ease. Presumably this was a test of whether the slave crown actually worked and/or her ability to do so. (for more info on the story, play game or look it up on the Final Fantasy Wiki)
DissidiaTerra alts.png
-Slightly Confused

-Incredible magical prowess (able to use all spells without extra help from espers, including Ultima)
-Capable Swordsman
-Skilled in the use of Magitek equipment
-Dualcasting (being able to use two spells consecutively)
-Esper Form: Enhanced magical strength, Superhumanly strength, Flight, Sharp claws, Riot Blade (Ultimate Attack)
Dissidia Tina Branford ex.pngTerra-AltEXMode.pngTerra-ThirdEXMode.png

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Gilgamesh Full.png
Story: Once a general in Exdeath's army, his incompetence and his numerous defeats at the hands of Bartz and friends has caused exdeath to simply send him to the void, where he would be an interdimensional wanderer seeking the legendary excalibur but at every turn somehow ends up getting the excalipoor (any fan would know that this is a wimpy imitation of the true excalibur).
Gilgamesh Alt Images.png
-Cowardly (though he slowly loses this quality as he continued his existence after he was sent to the void)
-Somewhat lecherous
-Loves collecting weapons
                    Gilgamesh EX Mode.pngGilgamesh Alt 1 EX Mode.pngGilgamesh Alt 2 EX Mode.png
-Blue Magic (Aera, Goblin Punch, Dischord, Hurricane, Death Claw, Missile, Rocket Punch, Stone, 1000 needles, Quasar, Aqua Breath, Electrocute)
-Geomancer Abilities (Windslash)
-Other Abilities (Terminate, Self-destruct, Sword/Blade Dance, Ultimate Illusion, perfect defense, bitter end, monarch sword, Zantetsuken (though it requires the blade of the same name))
-Able to use white magic (protect, haste, shell)
-Superhuman Strength
-Dragoon Abilities (Jump, Master Lancemanship)
-Master Swordsmanship
-Multiple Arms (sometimes six other times eight), Octa-wielding, septa-wielding.
-Able to use black magic (sleep, break)
-Able to use time magic(k) (disable, break)
-Limited use of the void (mainly used as means of interdimensional travel)
-Transformation powers (most noticeable in IX and XI)
                                Dissidia 012 Gilgamesh Weapons.png
-Imitation Masamune
-Imitation Excalibur
-Excalipoor (different from imitation Excalibur)
-Imitation Orichalcum (Zidane's weapon)
-Imitation Brotherhood (Tidus' Weapon)
-Imitation Buster Sword (Cloud's Weapon)
-Imitation Revolver (Squall's gunblade)
-Imitation Zantetsuken (Odin's Weapon)
-Imitation Wyrmhero Blade (Edrick's Weapon from Dragon Quest III)
-Imitation Tournesol
-Naginata (Gilgamesh's own weapon)
-Genji Blade, Shield, Armor, Helmet (More than one clearly exists)
-Battle Axe (Common weapon)
-Chicken Knife