Thursday, July 28, 2011

Something a little different

As I'm sure everyone who has been reading my blogs (no one at this point) knows, I really like dissidia as well as duodecim. So here are a few characters that I would like to be in the next Dissidia game, if there ever was one. I'm not gonna go in any real order cuz I'm just poopoo like that. Anyways on the thing:

1) Maria (From FFII)
Amano Maria.jpgFFII DoS Maria.png
-The Dissidia series needs more female characters
-Dissidia needs more old school love (although I can understand why they add candidates from FF1 and 3, because well, they're blank slates without anything really making them stand out from one another. But whatever, maybe they could use characters from the DS version of III but I don't really think of that as....oh whatever, moving on)
-What's one class of character that dissidia was missing? The archer/ranger. Yes, I know Firion has an HP attack that uses a bow and arrow as well as part of his bravery attack using the same, but the weapon he uses most is his sword, which compliments his character in FFII in which he was best at using a sword. We need a full-fledged archer character.

2) Izayoi (FFIVTAY)
-As I have said before, Dissidia needs more chicas
-Dissidia Also needs ninjas (or in Izayoi's case, kunoichis) (I know there's onion knight in his onion ninja form, but it isn't like his ninja form is a completely separate character, it's just his EX form, and in duodecim it takes longer to become and it doesn't even last half as long as it took to get it.)
-She's got a whip (oh yeah)

3) Lenna or Faris (FFV)
FFV-amano leena.jpgAmano Faris III.jpg
-Like before, Dissidia needs more girls
-If we had more female characters we could have a female version of Bartz, so Bartz doesn't have to copy Tifa, Yuna, Terra, or Lightning. It's.....weird to hear a guy PERFECTLY imitate a woman, much less four of them.

4) Edgar Roni Figaro or Sabin Rene Figaro
165px-Ff6 edgar.jpgEdgar.jpg200px-Ff6sabinart.jpgSabin-KaoriTanaka.jpg
Reasons for Edgar
-We need a machine-man
-VI needs another candidate

Reasons for Sabin:
-Anyone noticed that the only two monk characters in Dissidia 012 are both female? (not that I have a problem with that although I'll be honest I believe a male and female character of each class should be in the next Dissidia game. And yes I am aware I am sounding like hypocrite right now in that I have said that Dissidia needs more ladies, although FFVI deserves to have a third candidate)

5) Genesis and/or Angeal
-These guys KICK ASS!!!!!!
-Sephiroth is cool, but I think these guys are truly underrated in comparison, and to see them in the next dissidia would be awesome

6) Quistis, Rinoa, or Selphie
VIII Girls.jpg
-(Quistis) She's 18 and she's got a whip (oh yeah)
-(Rinoa) Well we have Tidus' dumber than grass girlfriend as well as Tifa's sexiness, so why not have Rinoa.
-(Selphie) We need a character who uses the NUNCHAKU!!!! HWOOAAAAA!!!
-And of course the obvious reason that Dissidia needs more chicks.

7) Garnet and/or Amarant Coral
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII character.jpgAmarant Coral character.jpg
-Well, Shouldn't Zidane's GF be in Dissidia? Not too mention the awesome summons that the unbelievibly dumb Yuna doesn't have.
-Amarant is a Monk-Ninja Hybrid, POW!!!!!!!!!
-Also, don't you think out of all the PS1 Final Fantasies, IX should have had a third candidate

8) AURON!!!!!!!!!!!
Auron Art.pngKH-Auron.jpgItadaki-Auron.png
-HE'S BADASS!!!!!!!
-One of the only characters I can actually stand in FFX (the others being Kimahri, Jecht, and Lulu)
-I would REALLY like to beat Tidus' sorry ass with Auron

GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!! ;P

9) Seymour Guado
Seymour Guado artwork.jpg
-I'd like to have a chance to beat the shit out of him for being such a crappy villain
-It would make for a good opportunity to have Anima in a Dissidia game (saying that they'll make another one, knock on wood)

10) Dysley from Final Fantasy XIII
Galenth Dysley 

11) Cosmos (Ya, I know she's already in the game but can't there be a way to fight her)
-If Capcom can find a way to make Phoenix Wright playable in a fighting game, then why shouldn't Square Enix make Cosmos at least an NPC boss?
-I'd imagine she could have some badass moves

12) Zemus
-He's the real villain of FFIV (as I'm sure most of us know)
-Just imagine how awesome his fighting style would be...then again..

13) A villain from Final Fantasy XI. Specifically The Shadow Lord.
 Shadow Lord 2 (FFXI).pngShadow Lord 3 (FFXI).png

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