Wednesday, April 4, 2012



Ahh yes, Manikins. In the first Dissidia, these creatures were not a major plot point and were simply just common enemies for the heroes to destroy in order to get their goal, but Dissidia 012 is a different stories. In fact the origin of Manikins had changed been from game to game. In Dissidia, Cid of the Lufaine was responsible for the creation of Manikins, but in 012 he is responsible for their discovery. Probably one of the biggest difference with the importance of Manikins from game to game is that they are featured in far more cutscenes (even being shown in some HD cutscenes) and showing the portal from which they are entering World through.

Manikins start off as mere crystal fragments in the void but when they come in contact with living creatures and take on their form. Cid of the Lufaine had also tried to create a Manikin with a sense of self by implanting the memories of 10 individuals within it. This particular manikin took the form of grotesque human child which would eventually grow up into the god of discord, Chaos. Cid repeated the experiment and created a being that resembled his deceased wife. Cid had created yet another manikin that perfectly resembled himself, The Warrior of Light.

As anyone who's played DDFF012 knows, Manikins overpopulate World B during the 12th cycle of the great conflict.

I have a few questions about these creatures:
1) What is the anatomy of Manikins like?
-Let me answer my own question with mere speculation. I presume their anatomy is exactly like that of the person they imitate except crystalline

2) Do Manikins have feelings?
-Actually this one should be obvious. The game hints at them having no feelings at all. But wait, Warrior of Light, Chaos, and Cosmos are Manikins yet they seem to have feelings. Then again the scene where we see Warrior of Light come into World B he seemed considerably emotionless, but with time he did develop a bond with others and even stood up for them. With Cosmos....ehhh iono, She speaks mostly in a monotone voice but she does care about others around her. Then with Chaos it's sort of hard to say; there is a moment that I remember where he shows sentiment in a discussion with ya.

3) Can Manikins reproduce?
-Aside from how they originate from crystal fragments in the void, I do have to wonder if these things have a method of multiplying.....ehh ya know what, I think it'd be better to not think about it.

4) Plothole?
-Manikins take on the form of anything that comes in contact with the crystal from which they are conceived. Manikins can't possibly take on the form of those from other worlds unless the fragments where in their world to somehow make contact with know what it's not easy to explain.